+1 (202) 982-5745


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Return Policy

Dernière mise à jour: Aug 31, 23

Return Policy

Our policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have gone by since you receive your order, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or replacement.

We’Il only offer you a refund or replacement if you face any of the situations below, and if when you do, please contact us at help@himechanics.com, and we’ll be more than happy to refund you / or send you a replacement, whichever you like! Plus you can still keep the original item without having to return it. It’s our way to make up for any inconvenience that might be caused! :

- situation 1: The item you received is damaged (Example: the item arrived fully broken or has a broken part).

- situation 2: The item you received is defective (Example: the item has a manufacturing error).

- situation 3: You received the wrong product (Example: You received the wrong item’s color).

A video or image of the product should be included in your email as a proof so we can approve your request, else, we won’t be able to refund you or send you a replacement.

Have a question?

Reach out via our form


We are available to answer your emails 7 days a week.


Phone: +1 (202) 982-5740

9:00AM - 3:45PM UTC-5, Mon-Fri.